Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dont Tip the Waiter is a Game I Have Kept My Eye On

If one is raising a family in the U.S. products are bombarded at you. One category of product may be the toy. I do not buy toys very often but there are new babies every year and sometimes a toy is in order for a birthday, Holiday or special occasion. I look at toys for those times and for the memories they may conjure up in my head.

I found out toy products are not lasting. A toy today may be a buried closet item the next or no longer offered for sale. After awhile it may be even be a landfill item or no manufacturer support to get lost parts for the toy.

I have a problem letting go, as well, when I write about a toy for other's information.

2010 I found a toy called "Don't Tip the Waiter." It is a stack and fall game with a waiter holding as many dishes as he can. Two years into my campaign the toy was discontinued, as others have been. Well, this version with the plastic waiter on a titter ball is back on Amazon. Surprising for me.

Also, I found today something else that excited me. There is a wood version of the theme toy. I added it to the original toy article and blogging to call attention to it.

Dont hestitate, belly up to any table and no matter what they say "Tip the Waiter", anytime for family fun.

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