Saturday, May 23, 2015

I Have Been Priced Out of the Claremont, CA Farmer's Market

After almost 9 years I gave up my monthly space at the Claremont Farmer's Market. For the last year a friend and I
shared a space to halve the $32 dollar charge that was implemented at the end of 2013. It was hard to survive the new fee. The former fee was 10% of sales. The percentage plan kept me coming back because no matter the spending habits of the customers, Sunday strollers, or impulse buyers I felt the satisfaction of displaying my creations even if sales did not cover the morning Starbucks.

At a few nearby Farmer's Markets I learned artisans or craftsmen get charged the flat fee where the farmers are charged a percentage fee. It disappoints that somehow the artists have been set in a class that somehow has been deemed a group that can be charged more.

Plenty local markets are showing mass produced hardwares and frankly I feel those products may not be a good fit to be shown along with the food stuffs of our local farmers. The spirit and aesthetics of the handmade and artisan objects is the same as the local grower. Indeed, the time and effort that goes into handmade is the same as the farmer or produce grower. Artists are local to the communities and neighborhoods and deserve the same consideration as the local grower. After all, they espouse the same ideas for reducing foot prints and treading lightly.

As community members, artists support the local books for prisoners and each market's efforts for helping another less fortunate by shopping their local farmers market.

Each space at the market is now reduced to a business formula of how much is each 100 square feet worth?

The participation of the local craftsman, artist, seamstress or serious hobbyist is now ignored and priced out of the local economy because why?

Can you tell me in a few whole sentences why that is so?

Any comments would be appreciated.

Sincerely, Sherry Venegas

Monday, March 23, 2015

All New Paperfacets Website

In January I took the initiative and started working on a website for the name I have been paying for since 2007. Yes! I now have, up and visible to all that are interested in tea bag folding or flat unit origami. I call it flat unit origami when browsers at Farmer's Market ask about what it is that I make and design cards with.

It is just easier for those that have never seen paper folding done in this fashion. The patterns I attach to the greeting cards almost always lay flat so the card can go through the mail in most cases. It takes eight squares of paper: thus unit.

The website is going to be added to on a regular basis and truthfully, many of the articles I have written in the past will be added to the website for easy management and bigger impact. I do not want readers forced from site to site to enjoy everything I want to share. So you will see some consolidation if you are familiar with my contributions to the Internet.

As with being involved with crafts, art classes, and writing on the web, creating is the fun part of it all. The new banner for the site was an enjoyable process. I took photos of a medallion placed on the paper I made the tea bag folding tiles of and then used Picasa to change color, tone, and lots else, to come up with the finished effect.

The mediallion above is the first tea bag folding instructions I posted on the site. It is like the medallion I used for the banner.


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Dont Tip the Waiter is a Game I Have Kept My Eye On

If one is raising a family in the U.S. products are bombarded at you. One category of product may be the toy. I do not buy toys very often but there are new babies every year and sometimes a toy is in order for a birthday, Holiday or special occasion. I look at toys for those times and for the memories they may conjure up in my head.

I found out toy products are not lasting. A toy today may be a buried closet item the next or no longer offered for sale. After awhile it may be even be a landfill item or no manufacturer support to get lost parts for the toy.

I have a problem letting go, as well, when I write about a toy for other's information.

2010 I found a toy called "Don't Tip the Waiter." It is a stack and fall game with a waiter holding as many dishes as he can. Two years into my campaign the toy was discontinued, as others have been. Well, this version with the plastic waiter on a titter ball is back on Amazon. Surprising for me.

Also, I found today something else that excited me. There is a wood version of the theme toy. I added it to the original toy article and blogging to call attention to it.

Dont hestitate, belly up to any table and no matter what they say "Tip the Waiter", anytime for family fun.