Monday, March 23, 2015

All New Paperfacets Website

In January I took the initiative and started working on a website for the name I have been paying for since 2007. Yes! I now have, up and visible to all that are interested in tea bag folding or flat unit origami. I call it flat unit origami when browsers at Farmer's Market ask about what it is that I make and design cards with.

It is just easier for those that have never seen paper folding done in this fashion. The patterns I attach to the greeting cards almost always lay flat so the card can go through the mail in most cases. It takes eight squares of paper: thus unit.

The website is going to be added to on a regular basis and truthfully, many of the articles I have written in the past will be added to the website for easy management and bigger impact. I do not want readers forced from site to site to enjoy everything I want to share. So you will see some consolidation if you are familiar with my contributions to the Internet.

As with being involved with crafts, art classes, and writing on the web, creating is the fun part of it all. The new banner for the site was an enjoyable process. I took photos of a medallion placed on the paper I made the tea bag folding tiles of and then used Picasa to change color, tone, and lots else, to come up with the finished effect.

The mediallion above is the first tea bag folding instructions I posted on the site. It is like the medallion I used for the banner.
