Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Squidoo Blog Hop and Sharing Linkys

Blog Hop is a new concept for me. Blog writers open up their blog and share links from other bloggers on their own blog. Marsha's Spot takes your link and shares it on Thursdays. The page to learn about it is Squidoo Blog Hop Info. The only rule is that the blog link you submit be about Squidoo.

That is easy for me. I am involved with Squidoo everyday and I get flack about it all the time. One thing leads to another when you are interested in Squidoo. Fun as  a video game because you will always find something new.

So I am writing this and including a Squidoo idea for you and I am going to submit it to Squidoo Blog Hop.

Halloween is coming and paper rosettes are fun to make for hanging on the front porch. I have found holiday paper at all the discount stores, such as, Big Lots!, Ross, and Tuesday Morning. Get a few packages to equal eight sheets of the same print. Usually, a package will have three of each style sheet. You will need three packages if you desire to fold rosettes with eight units all the same for the kaleidoscope effect.

If you do not want to spend that much cash make the rosettes with varied units and purchase one package. An example is the second pink and red rosette. They are just as eye catching.

My Squidoo tutorial How to Make a Paper Flower Rosette will lead you through the making of your Halloween decorations step by step. The tweens will want to make enough to fill the whole porch. This tutorial is Not boring. I have included many pictures.

Happy Squidooing and paper rosette making.
<a href="" rel="me">Paperfacets Google Profile</a>